országa?Talán érdekel, hogy a föld mely részén esik a legtöbb eső,* *vagy
Melyik a legérdekesebb országa?*
*A legveszélyesebb város a földön*
*San Pedro Sula, Honduras - A hub for illegal drugs and* *arms trafficking,
San Pedro Sula also experiences* *more than 3 murders every day.*
*A legmelegebb hely a földön**Death Valley* *National Park, U.S.A. *
*The highest recorded temperature, was taken on July 10,* *1913, and it
reached 134°f (56°c).*
*A leghidegebb hely a földön**Antarctica - In August 2010, the lowest recorded* *temperature was
recorded in the East Antarctic Plateau.*
*The record temperature* *was -135.8°f (-93°c).*
*A legtöbb lakosú város a földön*
*Shanghai, China - With a population of over 24 million* *residents.*
*A legkevesebb lakosú város a földön*
*Vatican City - With a population of 842 residents, Vatican* *City alsoboasts the title of smallest state in the world.*
*A leggazdagabb város a földön**Tokyo, Japan - The city of Tokyo has the highest GDP* *($1,520 billion) of
any other city in the world.*
*A legszegényebb város a földön**Kinshasa, D.R.C. - The Democratic Republic of Congo is the* *poorest state
in the world, and its capital, Kinshasa, is the* *poorest city. It has a
GDP of $55 billion, and most of its residents* *live on less than $1 a day.*
*A föld legmagasabb pontja*
*Nepal - Mount Everest stands at 29,029 ft (8.84km),* *and is the highest
mountain in the world.*
*A föld legalacsonyabb pontja (szárazföldön)**Dead Sea, Israel/Jordan - Located at -1,401 ft (-427m**) **below
sea-level, it is also the lowest lake in the world.*
*Nepal - Mount Everest stands at 29,029 ft (8.84km),* *and is the highest
mountain in the world.*
*A föld legalacsonyabb pontja (szárazföldön)**Dead Sea, Israel/Jordan - Located at -1,401 ft (-427m**) **below
sea-level, it is also the lowest lake in the world.*
*A föld legalacsonyabb pontja (víz alatt) *
*Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean - In a depth of 35,797 ft* *(10.91km) below
sea level, it is known as "Challenger Deep",* *and has been visited by only
3 humans so far.* *(More people have visited the moon)*
*A leg fényképezettebb hely a földön**Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S.A. - By running an* *algorithm that
scanned through the internet's immense collection* *of photos, the
Guggenheim was found to be the most photographed* *place on earth.*
*A legesősebb hely a földön**Mawsynram, India - This region in the Indian subcontinent* *enjoys an
average of 467.35 inches (1187cm) of rain per year.* *(In 1985, it had an
amazing 1000 inches, or 25.4 meters of rain!)*
*A legszárazabb hely a földön*
*Atacama Desert, South America - It may be hard to believe, but the Atacama
Desert gets about 4 inches (10cm) of rain* *every 1000 years. (Yes, 1000
*A legnaposabb hely a földön*
*Yuma, Arizona, U.S.A. - Yuma 90% clear and sunny skies* *every year, with
an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day.*
*A legdrágább hely a földön*
*Singapore - In 2014, Singapore dethroned Tokyo and* *earned the title
"world's most expensive city". An American* *travelling to Singapore will
be shocked to see that the prices of* *cars are 4-6 times more expensive
than in the U.S.*
*A legolcsóbb város a földön*
*Mumbai, India - A stark contrast to Singapore, Mumbai is* *2014's cheapest
city. On average, a person would need to spend 4* *times as much in
Singapore, compared to Mumbai.*
*A legrégebbi város a földön (még megvan)*
*Damascus, Syria - While there are many older cities that no* *longer
stand, the city of Damascus has evidence of civilization going* *back
11,000 years, and is the oldest city that still stands.*
*A legújabb ország a földön*
*South Sudan - Following a bloody genocide, the southern* *part of Sudan,
which consists mainly of Christians, split from* *the northern part (Muslim
majority) in 2011, making it the youngest* *country in the world.*
*A leglátogatottabb város a földön*
*London, England - London sees 18.69 million international* *visitors every
year, making it the most visited city in the world.*
*A legnépszerűbb ország a földön*
*Germany - In an international survey performed by the* *BBC, Germany got a
59% positive rating, making it the most* *popular country in the world.*
*Az ország, ahol a legtöbb kávét isszák*
*Sweden - If you thought it would be the U.S.A. then you'd* *be wrong. The
average Swede consumes 388mg of coffee per day.*
*Az ország, ahol a legtöbb alkoholt isszák*
*Belarus - On average, every person above the age of 15* *drinks 4.62
gallons (17 liters) per year, earning Belarus this* *dubious title.*
*A leg bicikli barátibb város a földön *
*Groningen, Netherlands - Around 50% of the population of* *Groningen
commutes on bicycles every day, making it the city* *with the most bicycles
per capita.*
*A leg energia hatékonyabb város a földön *
*Reykjavik, Iceland - All of the energy in the capital of* *Iceland comes
from geothermal power plants and hydropower.* *The city aims to be
completely free of fossil-fuel by 2050.*
*A leg érzelmeket keltőbb város a földön*
*Philippines - In a poll spanning 3 years (2009-2011),* *residents of the
Philippines were found to give the most emotional* *replies to simple
*Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean - In a depth of 35,797 ft* *(10.91km) below
sea level, it is known as "Challenger Deep",* *and has been visited by only
3 humans so far.* *(More people have visited the moon)*
*A leg fényképezettebb hely a földön**Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S.A. - By running an* *algorithm that
scanned through the internet's immense collection* *of photos, the
Guggenheim was found to be the most photographed* *place on earth.*
*A legesősebb hely a földön**Mawsynram, India - This region in the Indian subcontinent* *enjoys an
average of 467.35 inches (1187cm) of rain per year.* *(In 1985, it had an
amazing 1000 inches, or 25.4 meters of rain!)*
*A legszárazabb hely a földön*
*Atacama Desert, South America - It may be hard to believe, but the Atacama
Desert gets about 4 inches (10cm) of rain* *every 1000 years. (Yes, 1000
*A legnaposabb hely a földön*
*Yuma, Arizona, U.S.A. - Yuma 90% clear and sunny skies* *every year, with
an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day.*
*A legdrágább hely a földön*
*Singapore - In 2014, Singapore dethroned Tokyo and* *earned the title
"world's most expensive city". An American* *travelling to Singapore will
be shocked to see that the prices of* *cars are 4-6 times more expensive
than in the U.S.*
*A legolcsóbb város a földön*
*Mumbai, India - A stark contrast to Singapore, Mumbai is* *2014's cheapest
city. On average, a person would need to spend 4* *times as much in
Singapore, compared to Mumbai.*
*A legrégebbi város a földön (még megvan)*
*Damascus, Syria - While there are many older cities that no* *longer
stand, the city of Damascus has evidence of civilization going* *back
11,000 years, and is the oldest city that still stands.*
*A legújabb ország a földön*
*South Sudan - Following a bloody genocide, the southern* *part of Sudan,
which consists mainly of Christians, split from* *the northern part (Muslim
majority) in 2011, making it the youngest* *country in the world.*
*A leglátogatottabb város a földön*
*London, England - London sees 18.69 million international* *visitors every
year, making it the most visited city in the world.*
*A legnépszerűbb ország a földön*
*Germany - In an international survey performed by the* *BBC, Germany got a
59% positive rating, making it the most* *popular country in the world.*
*Az ország, ahol a legtöbb kávét isszák*
*Sweden - If you thought it would be the U.S.A. then you'd* *be wrong. The
average Swede consumes 388mg of coffee per day.*
*Az ország, ahol a legtöbb alkoholt isszák*
*Belarus - On average, every person above the age of 15* *drinks 4.62
gallons (17 liters) per year, earning Belarus this* *dubious title.*
*A leg bicikli barátibb város a földön *
*Groningen, Netherlands - Around 50% of the population of* *Groningen
commutes on bicycles every day, making it the city* *with the most bicycles
per capita.*
*A leg energia hatékonyabb város a földön *
*Reykjavik, Iceland - All of the energy in the capital of* *Iceland comes
from geothermal power plants and hydropower.* *The city aims to be
completely free of fossil-fuel by 2050.*
*A leg érzelmeket keltőbb város a földön*
*Philippines - In a poll spanning 3 years (2009-2011),* *residents of the
Philippines were found to give the most emotional* *replies to simple
*A legkevésbé érzelmeket keltő város a földön**Singapore - The same study found that the people of* *Singapore are the
least likely to give an emotional response to the same* *questions.*
*Az ország, ahol a leghosszabb az élet*
*Monaco - The World Health Organization (WHO) found* *that the average life
expectancy in Monaco is 87.2 years.*
*Az ország, ahol az élet a lerövidebb*
*Sierra Leone - Sadly, with an average life expectancy of 47* *years,
Sierra Leone is the country with the shortest life expectancy* *in 2014.*
*A leg stresszesebb ország a földön *
*Nigeria - When considering the low GDP, income* *inequality, murder rates,
political corruption and unemployment* *rate, it's easy to see why
Nigerians are the most stressed people on earth.*
*A leg relaxáltabb ország a földön*
*Norway - The exact opposite of Nigeria, Norway enjoys the* *most security,
equality, earning power and education levels in the world.*
*A legmagasabb IQ-val rendelkező ország*
*Hong Kong - The average IQ score in Hong Kong is 107* *points.*
least likely to give an emotional response to the same* *questions.*
*Az ország, ahol a leghosszabb az élet*
*Monaco - The World Health Organization (WHO) found* *that the average life
expectancy in Monaco is 87.2 years.*
*Az ország, ahol az élet a lerövidebb*
*Sierra Leone - Sadly, with an average life expectancy of 47* *years,
Sierra Leone is the country with the shortest life expectancy* *in 2014.*
*A leg stresszesebb ország a földön *
*Nigeria - When considering the low GDP, income* *inequality, murder rates,
political corruption and unemployment* *rate, it's easy to see why
Nigerians are the most stressed people on earth.*
*A leg relaxáltabb ország a földön*
*Norway - The exact opposite of Nigeria, Norway enjoys the* *most security,
equality, earning power and education levels in the world.*
*A legmagasabb IQ-val rendelkező ország*
*Hong Kong - The average IQ score in Hong Kong is 107* *points.*
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